Map 15 – The Seacroft Scroll
Stories and Reflections from Local Residents

The Seacroft Scroll is a collection of stories and reflections from local residents, who have worked together over the course of a year to delve into the area’s heritage and history. The scroll has been developed by artists from the 365LeedsStories project in response to a request from Simon Hilton, Headteacher at Beechwood Primary School. It has been produced in partnership with children and staff from Beechwood and Seacroft Grange Primary Schools and librarians from Leeds Library and Information Service.
Project credits
The Seacroft Scroll was created by the following people…
Lead Artist: Alison Andrews
Lead Artist: Matthew Bellwood
Photography: Lizzie Coombes
Archive Advice: Ross Horsley
Workshop Facilitator: Jaye Kearney
Graphic Design: Amy Levene
Workshop Support: Matt Rogers
Project Documentation: Peter Spafford
LEEDS LIBRARIES – Liam Garnett, Sally Hughes, Helen Skilbeck, Greg Stringer, Sue Wright
DISCOVERY CENTRE – Gabrielle Hamilton, Andrew Kyrover, Kitty Ross
With thanks to:
Jane Riley and Anna Goodridge at The Leeds Library
Patsy Lyttle and Artemis
Sarah Hopkinson and Keepmoat Homes
Kate Taverner and the staff at North and South Seacroft
Friends and Neighbours
Staff and members of LS14 Trust
This document has been created with:
Staff and children at Beechwood Primary School
Staff and children at Seacroft Grange Primary School
And interviewees: Barbara Ackroyd, Sylvia Adams, Pearl Allen, Margaret Arnett, Zoe Carty, Joanne Curtis, Pearl Field, Mick and Doreen Firth, Paul Fletcher, Dorothy Frankland, Edna Garbutt, Geoff Hardwick, Graham Hyde, Jaimes Moran, Marjorie Nichols, Linda Palmer, Geraldine Talbot, Audrey Ward, Jean Ward, Audrey Wilson, Sue Wright, David Wrighton
Developing the scroll
Photos showing development work and story gathering for the Seacroft Scroll taken at the Discovery Centre, Leeds Central Library and primary schools in Seacroft.
The Scroll – stories and reflections from Seacroft
KS2 children from Seacroft Grange Primary and Beechwood Primary along with members of community groups and other Seacroft residents have created the Seacroft Scroll. The full scroll in giant form was displayed with other pieces created by the groups in Room 800 at Leeds Central Library in September 2018.
The complete Seacroft Scroll is available to view. Click below to load the document as an image (available soon).
Discussing the Seacroft Scroll
Alison and Matthew describe the Scroll and discuss their approach to the project, with Peter Spafford.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4