Map 20 – The Headingley Postie
A Storybook about Headingley
The Headingley Postie is a storybook about Headingley, featuring quotes and stories from local residents and original illustrations by artist Daisy Hance.
It was produced as a companion piece to HOUSE (Map 17), a site-specific performance that explored how property and power connect Headingley and the wider world.
The book includes creative contributions from historian Eveleigh Bradford, poet Linda Marshall, storyteller Joe Williams and staff and pupils at Shire Oak Primary School.
You can hear Joe telling the story of Prince Alemayehu and sharing some more information about Leeds’s Black History connections below:
Prince Alemayehu ( Download file)

View the book online:
The Headingley Postie download
You can also order a copy free of charge by emailing us at:
Project credits
Text: Matthew Bellwood
Illustrations: Daisy Hance
Research and interviews: Alison Andrews and Matthew Bellwood
Photography: Lizzie Coombes (unless otherwise stated)
Graphic Design: Amy Levene
Creative contributions:
Eveleigh Bradford – Robert Arthington (1823-1900) The Millionaire Miser
Linda Marshall – Mister Moneypots
Joe Williams – Alamayehu: An African Prince
Staff and pupils at Shire Oak Primary School – The Song of the Shire Oak Tree
Quotes and stories:
Eveleigh Bradford, Helen Capocci, Rosie Clark-Sutton, Dorothy Jackson, Julie Metcalfe, Caribel Ortiz Montero, Jackie Parsons, Nathan Shipley, Peter Spafford, Evelyn Stafford, Oscar Stafford, Gerry Turvey, Richard Tyler, Wardy, Tony Whatmough, Joe Williams, Pam Wilson, Chris Workman, Staff and members of St Chad’s Lunch Club and Headingley Memory Café, Staff and Residents at Grove Park Care Home
Special thanks to Leeds Library and Information Service, The Thoresby Society and Leeds Museums and Galleries for the use of images and text from the Leodis website
Produced by A Quiet Word and Moveable Feast Productions
House and The Headingley Postie were made possible by funding from: Arts Council England, Leeds Inspired, Arts@Leeds at Leeds City Council, Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, The School of Performance and Cultural Industries at the University of Leeds.